Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Disappearing act

   Occasionally in the evening I like playing hidden object games. A bit like jigsaws or crosswords, totally pointless but satisfying. And a good reason for not doing something more virtuous - housework for example or sorting out the gas bill.

   In the garden, however, playing hidden object games is a different matter.

   Where is that trowel?

   I know I have at least six and possibly more. I'm always buying them from boot sales and two came free with magazines. But the only one I can find is the plastic one that hurts your hand and won't make a decent hole in the ground.

   Where is my new garden fork?

    It's a lightweight one that was a bargain in the sales and was definitely put back in the shed last time I used it. It has been replaced by the heavy fork with the broken tine that I was going to throw away eventually...

   And just where is that extra large pot that was going to be a home for the hosta this year?

   Oh yes - found it. At the back of my pot store filled with 3 inch pots. By the time it's been emptied and another space found for the hundred small pots I'm hot and cross and my time for relaxing and garden pottering has gone.

   One day I'll clear out the clutter and have one of those sheds where everything has a labelled, outlined position, garden tools are put away after being wiped with an oily rag and there are no mysterious disappearing acts going on as soon as I shut the door.

   Until then I'm stuck with garden hide and seek.


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